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tv   News  RT  November 12, 2017 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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a proxy war between two of the biggest powers in the middle east iran and saudi arabia has escalated directly affecting other countries in the region. hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets of. madrid crackdown on former leaders who were behind the region's independence declaration. also this hour a highly anticipated formal meeting between donald trump and vladimir putin fails to materialize. shots on the sidelines of the apec summit agreed to cooperate on syria. and the u.s. justice department demands that america register as a foreign agent monday if it fails to comply bank accounts could be frozen.
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that welcomes the live from moscow here in the capital thanks for joining us this. now the geopolitical rivalry between two of the middle east main powers saudi arabia and iran has been destabilizing other regional players yemen and lebanon. and the latest developments. in the defense ministry in the yemeni capital it was back in march twenty fifth that saudi arabia first began its incursion into yemen by launching an end against the rebels backed by iran yemeni civilians have also been affected by the latest bombing here's what they told us is the shuttle. and
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then a second rocket hit my house was destroyed i'm just an ordinary person in the bus driver i'm not a military commander not an agent of the state why did they do that to me my house didn't hold a single bullet did they fear that i had weapons so i want them to watch this i have nothing this is just a house and i'm a poor person that was fairly new my head in leg were injured our houses were destroyed this is the result of aggression how how is this in the area are affected by the strike. a riyadh has intensified its bombardment of yemen in response to a missile fired towards the saudi capital a week ago by hooty fighters saudi arabia was quick to blame it on iran saying to ron directly supports the who these later a senior u.s. air force official claimed the ballistics missile had been made in iran. in a raid markings on the business. that's been demonstrated and there are pictures
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that take that to mean that connects the dots to iran in terms of who supply. missiles and that capability has some i am going to end that war that we do not even have the ability to transfer missiles to yemen it's the missiles and they've managed to increase the missiles range. of takes a closer look at the current tensions between two of the biggest players in the middle east. recently benny a days seems to go by without saudi arabia making headlines and it almost always boils down to it's enemy iran it is a game of chess that spans an entire region on every front in every country the saudis see iran's evil influence. the huth the rebels in yemen who saudi arabia has been bombing for many years fire
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a rocket attack riyadh that the saudis could only describe as a rainy an aggression the saudis also ready to throw that allies under the bus to create an excuse to denigrate iran. q the lebanese prime minister holding a successful meeting with the iranians and then going to saudi arabia and out of the blue without warning declaring his resignation while lou inching into a tirade about evil raney an influence plunging the region into chaos and destruction. were of iranian prison simply discord and destruction and interfering through our countries in lebanon syria. yemen what i would like to say would be iran and its followers that they would be losers in their interference and
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. you lose a poor and gain an opening then there's the blockade of cata. a trade embargo seva ties ultimatums and warnings punishment some say for cata daring to deal with the rain ians and then there's syria the saudi sponsored rebellion is dying. their jihad allies are losing and asaad is winning and while syria may have unexpectedly checkmated riyadh hear the saudis are ramping up attacks on iran on other fronts truly this is an international game of chess with nations and populations at stake ironic given that last year saudi arabia's highest islamic cleric banned the chess saying that the game causes enmity and hatred between people and even when played on
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a giant geopolitical scale well it looks like he was right. now the unexpected resignation of the lebanese prime minister has only added to the tensions there's been speculation saudi arabia could be holding saad hariri against his will riyadh has denied these claims that he himself has just given his first interview since quitting he said he's free to leave saudi arabia whenever he wants and one hundred one look how look i'm free in thirty arabia if i wanted to leave tomorrow i would leave tomorrow all these people need to know that i did resign i know it's not an ordinary way of resigning any prime minister i know that but i did it because i wanted to send them into shock positive shock so lebanese people would realise that our country is in danger. meanwhile saudi arabia and its allies kuwait the united arab emirates and bahrain have ordered their citizens to leave lebanon immediately we asked analysts for their take on the current situation between saudi
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arabia and iran. and it is rolling out an entirely new plan no to create chaos in the region were. not squidgy of the flu isn't easy sure it's low hanging fruit there is a great momentum right now as we're speaking this week in saudi arabia to try and create some sort of military strategy against iran to destabilize around or or any of iran's proxies in the region saudi arabia is isolated in the in the emerging you'll be the least they've lost in syria because of the feel of the dash project the last in iraq i was just back from baghdad and the talk in baghdad is about not bulk an alsatian but about iraqi national unity the last blockade against got there they are losing the war on yemen which is horrifying we then saw of thousands of civilian casualties and supported by the u.s.
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congress for that matter and using american weapons and uki weapons and now they're trying to change their narrative their brain in the run they're trying to ratchet up a confrontation involving lebanon which is quite in the crossfire and it still is the same old story the saudi arabia against the run and countries seen the middle east states are going to be caught in the crossfire. and one saturday night a massive crowd turnout is barcelona demanding the release of catalonians jailed former leaders the demonstration was held in cousin only as a national day and attracted almost a million people. i. thank you. we are here to have a free country at risk and with a push to mourn here he and all of the catalan government are in our hearts. i went to all of the demonstrations because i want my grandsons to have a life that we didn't have. we're here to defend our politics defend those
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currently in prison and to defame democracy and here we do find our human rights far as you chose to our culture for them by our children they feared. the spanish prime minister is now in barcelona he's attended a presentation of his party's candidates for the upcoming regional election vowing to end separatists have a the whole hosting the gathering was full of people supporting spanish integrity and waving both national and flags. early this week pro independence protests spark clashes with police as activists tried to block railway stations in the cities of barcelona. this came after a general strike brought much of the region to a halt again in protest over the jailing of the former leaders of the region madrid
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accuses them of rebellion and sedition and has an old declaration of independence. in the meantime several members of the deposed leadership have fled to belgium where they're now waiting to see if they'll be deported back. travel to brussels to offer support but were confronted by a spanish unity rally we spoke to a. spokeswoman for the european partnership for independence she joined us from one of the pro independence protests in the castle on capitol. hill thank you. for it. how can you do it and obviously. you. know. i would rate it's very good for him for that for this man in this state. to make me believe that they are the ones. when they are the ones bringing nevada and i know. you know just
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imagine when. they. do why no names no national treaties. that they do not promote the south so many nations and do you mean by some rights in that i don't get to met. and i live i. also is the shuttle to america has been given until monday to register as a foreign agent in the united states that's on the orders of the u.s. justice department now is far to america fails to do so it's bank accounts could be frozen the order was made under legislation adopted more than seventy years ago before the second world war to counter nazi propaganda but in a caution over looks at the reaction to the move. we are a news channel but at the moment we are in fact the news the mounting pressure on r.t. as this week coleman eats it and an ultimatum sent to us by the u.s.
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justice department r.t. america has been required to register as a foreign agent in the united states by monday with been left with no other choice but to comply but art he's editor in chief says the channel is being forced into conditions and wish it simply cannot war with. me just imagine you work in the media and have to sign everything you do with foreign agent or produced by a foreign agent how does it feel for any media outlet to disclose its personal data its contract to have to declare any interviews that you do to ministries and institutions this can be called part of the job these conditions are aimed at destroying us as mass media at the moment russian lawmakers are drafting tit for tat measures targeting american finance media in russia well there is a list of candidates that might be headed by vote and among them are c.n.n.
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and voice of america radio liberty and its korean time television channel but the crackdown on r.t. and the us poses some very uncomfortable questions. soonish that if those who are doing this in the us of always been proud of being the world's number one democrats and freedom of speech has always been the main value it here to buy them there's no democracy without freedom of speech and attack on our media in the us is make no mistake an attack on freedom of speech itself. the pressure has been mounting on our ever since we were accused of somehow making us voters choose trump over hillary last year but can one channel really will that much power or is this just in a town to sell my fellow alternative fuel. the u.s. navy's been swept up in a massive corruption scandal affecting schools of hard ranking officers will have that plus the outcome of the pollution truck meeting in vietnam for you just off to
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a short break susan. i fear that we may see the iranians taking the first steps towards restarting a new program which will only further ratchet up tensions and further increase the risk of the war that's the big danger here this is not just about killing the deal this is automatically putting the united states on it or simply. manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round
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be the one percent. nor middle of the room sick. welcome back to the program now us president don't trump said better relations with russia would be key to solving world crises like syria and north korea he was speaking the day after the apec summit in vietnam we have to get to work to solve syria to solve north korea to solve ukraine to solve terrorism and i feel that having russia in a friendly as opposed to always fighting with them is an asset to the world and an asset to our country not a liability getting along with other nations is a good thing not a bad thing believe me
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a formal meeting between the russian and u.s. presidents had been highly anticipated though it never actually happened apparently due to shows yelling problems nevertheless the two leaders did briefly catch up on the summit sidelines and released a joint statement on the situation in syria. let's take a look at some of that they both confirmed that it terminations defeat islamic states the president's also agree there can be no military solution to the syrian conflict added a final political settlement should be found through the geneva talks format and also stressed syria is still a sovereign country who have a boot in and trumps common views on those issues immediately sparked a backlash. on britain claim trump was intimidated by the russian president while former intelligence chief james clapper dubbed the friend in this naive and even a threat to america think it's very naive and again for a perilous to this country to make an assumption that russia is going to be
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haven with. the best interests of the world or the united states in mind the following his meeting with putin trump took to twitter to address his critics underscoring that russia's help is necessary in resolving many of the world's conflicts when will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with russia is a good thing not a bad thing they're always playing politics bad for our country i want to solve north korea syria ukraine terrorism and russia can greatly help. michael patrick flooding in president flannigan consulting and former congressman thinks partisan politics lies at the root of the attacks on the us president. i think the agenda is that brennan particularly is a d.n.c. guy not a professional intelligence guy he's a d.n.c. guy was put in the job and they he has a desire to see the democratic national committee succeed and if trump succeeds
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they can't it's a zero sum game for them and so i when these things come up they talk about oh trump is wrong trump is naive trump is bad on these things and they use and they burnish their credentials to try and make their point there they are finding it recently at least that they have fewer and fewer people standing next to them going yeah they're right those these two are pretty much alone now saying these sorts of things because we cannot go on with our minute anime's around the globe as these two apparently want us to have and having a permanent enemy of the russians is insane and i don't think trump is interested in doing that as a dealmaker he wants to wants us to proceed successfully in the world wants the world to proceed successfully and look at his goals it's not territorial ambition it's not making money for the clinton foundation it's solving the crises in syria in ukraine in north korea and elsewhere and doing it with not only with russian cooperation. now in other news colossal bribery and fraud has engulfed the u.s. navy that's according at least of the prosecutors in the so-called lenin's case who
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have now revealed the true extent of the scandal the initial inquiry took place more than four years ago when twenty eight personnel including two admirals were indicted now it's transpired four hundred forty navy staff are under investigation including more than sixty admirals and schools offices all of them are suspected of sharing secret information in return for bribes such as alcohol and prostitutes the identities of the majority of people implicated are being withheld to avoid jeopardizing the investigation the release of such information would likely reveal sensitive details about the breadth and scope of the criminal investigation and pending cases. these revelations are being described as the worst corruption scandal in u.s. navy history yet some was surprised that handing over classified information to a foreigner is being treated as fraud caleb wolf and has more but what did they do well allegedly they were seduced by leonard francis a.k.a.
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fat leonard he offered them booze parties luxury hotels and cash in exchange for information about where u.s. navy ships were going in the pacific ocean he did this in order to earn contracts now fat leonard aka leonard francis is in a san diego jail so giving away military information launched an inquiry into corruption now these navy officers admitted to giving away ship schedules and they pleaded guilty to bribery but leaking and giving up classified government information under u.s. law isn't called bribery it's called espionage why is the espionage act not being applied to corrupt navy officers christian saucer took some photos with his cell phone in a classified area of a u.s. nuclear submarine nobody paid him anything and he didn't leak them to anyone he simply lost his cell phone well he ended up getting sentenced to a year in prison now his mother thinks her son got a raw deal in two thousand and nine there was no cell phone ban on submarines at
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that time technology was new and in quetta maybe hadn't caught up yet and i really have no doubt in my mind that it was a twenty two year old guy that wanted to get out of where he worked yeah we were ready took pictures and so-called were allowed now when it comes to whistleblowers who reveal u.s. forces killing civilians or the n.s.a.'s massive surveillance it doesn't take long for them to be charged with espionage. months later i started working at the agency where you were at the time word which
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you. saw it looks like photographers without malintent and whistle blowers get hit with stiff penalties but if you're a good ole boy in the u.s. navy brass and you trade military secrets for sex and cash well it looks like the stiff penalties just don't apply killam oppen are seeing new york. now on russia on cheers iraq the russian mob the hundredth anniversary of the revolution that led to the creation of the u.s. saw throughout the week and he's been running a real time historical news feed on twitter for the hashtag nine hundred seventeen live to find out how events were unfolding minute by minute one hundred years ago
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some of the latest on off feed opposing sides on the revolution and coming face to face outside st petersburg then of course known as petrograd counter-revolutionary forces have been pushed out of the city and are now trying to recapture holdouts in suburbs. but. you may have a valid question why we're talking about the october revolution in november well that's because soviet russia adopted a new calendar after the bolsheviks took power on the twenty fifth of october at nine hundred seventeen that's november the seventh according to the group in calendar used in most of the world here's a short recap of what happened in russia back then. it's october one thousand nine hundred seventeen and russia is fast approaching one of the most radical turning points in its history the country had been turned upside down by the february
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revolution and exhausted by the first world war the whole country floundered in a cold and of anarchy enormous russia bearing the new world rived in pain zonday calista second living in exile in siberia with his family following his abdication seven months ago the provisional government occupying the russian monex main residency the winter palace moderately liberal and aiming to create a new constitution then they're frenemies the petrograd soviet group formed of workers and soldiers the two institutions are supposed to share power but in reality are competing for it and that's where the bolsheviks and vladimir lenin come in. it must be explained to the masses that the soviet to work his deputies is the only possible form of revolutionary government place power in the hands of the proletariat and the poor a structure of the peasantry the bolsheviks promises essentially boiled down to
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this power to the soviets peace to nations lands of peasants and bread to the hundred it took them just two days to come to power on october twenty fourth and twenty fifth they swiftly seized post offices key railway stations the state bank the port and other strategic locations across the city at a quarter to ten pm a blank shot from cruz aurora signaling the stars of the storming of the winter palace by two am on the twenty sixth of october the revolutionaries occupied it and arrested the provisional government the new bolshevik government was formed with lenin at the helm. for even a fantastic help project make sure do check that out on twitter while you can also of course we'd. all the news headlines in the meantime we'll be back with more news for on the world in just under half an hour see you that.
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it's the cradle of jazz. they're still very good we are. good moles disjuncts feeling. a city of climatic catastrophes of alligators on the loose of poverty and crime to use by the least twelve members a mob frail clothes most heard of street racing in the heat of the night
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this is new orleans itself let alone the best place in the world. a bachelor sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry finally i could so i write these last words and hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave
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a funeral the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with death this one different person to speak to now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. but. cut cut. cut cut. cut. can. going on in jim's illness or redoes should i'm concerned all gel you've entered into a little joke in dealing with the single and allison in not at equal distances was underway closer still seeing the fog going on in jindo moistening his oh don't be
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done selling the movie that to those off putting in as a solicitor does all of us it all took to sitting on. the. pound having your name eminent perry and herman hearing and you. hearing in the new name hearing. many. be. careful. of. the.
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new testament one of the names for it. is. slow entering don't always reverdy people on the outskirts of jerusalem. but it is here we have world version in a. little dirty play over the exploding very. concept of burning trash and war is not new it is all this war itself the difference here was that this war was lasting for a decade and included hence thousands of troops and personnel to support the invasion of iraq and the war in afghanistan. where they were alleged hash and these huge open air.


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